Book Your Reading

About Your Reading

Your reading will last 30 minutes. When you book your appointment you will be charged $30. I will email you a link to Zoom. It is preferable that you use a device (phone or laptop) that has a camera.

You Get What You Need

People often come to a reading wanting to contact a specific person or people. You should know that spirit determines which of your loved ones we are able to contact. The end result is you will receive the message or messages you need to hear.

Maximize Your Reading

It is not unusual for people to be nervous, especially if you are a first-timer. A reading is a partnership between the medium and person she is reading. For us to succeed, both of us need to be relaxed and open to spirit. The more open you are the greater the chance of contacting your loved ones. Before your reading take some time to relax, clear your mind and invite those on the other side to join us in the reading. Your asking them out loud has real power and will add to the quality of your reading.